
Check password strength with vanilla JavaScript and HTML5


Weak passwords are bad and a real danger. So we should encourage our users to use stronger passwords for their online accounts.

Therefore nowadays it is state of the art to give the user instant feedback about the password quality, e.g. on a registration form or a change-password form.

There are great out-of-the-box solutions to tackle this task, like

These packages can even check against known password lists and dictionaries. But on the downside they will add some additional 100kB to the javascript code or even require frameworks like jQuery or Bootstrap.

For my use case this would be too much. I don’t want to bother users with restrictive and complicated password rules. I just want to give a quick feedback about the password strength, based on a few simple rules. So I implemented my own very basic password strength indicator.

Given, we have an html form with a password input:

<input type="password" id="pwd" placeholder="enter password">

We now add a HTML5 progress bar to be used as a password strength indicator:

<progress id="strength" value="0" max="5"></progress>

Each of these elements have an id, so we can easily address it later via JavaScript.

Of course, now we also need a JavaScript function to evaluate the password, it should get the password string as a parameter and return a numeric value as a measure for the password strength.

function passwordStrength(pw) {
  return /.{8,}/.test(pw) * (  /* at least 8 characters */
    /.{12,}/.test(pw)          /* bonus if longer */
    + /[a-z]/.test(pw)         /* a lower letter */
    + /[A-Z]/.test(pw)         /* a upper letter */
    + /\d/.test(pw)            /* a digit */
    + /[^A-Za-z0-9]/.test(pw)  /* a special character */

In this function we check the password input against some regular expressions using the test() method and then treating the boolean return value as a number (0 or 1).

To get the top score of 5 a password must be at least 12 characters long and must have numbers, upper and lower letters and other special characters. Passwords shorter than 8 characters are considered insecure and will get a rating of 0.

Finally we just need some magic glue to connect all the bits and pieces properly. We want to evaluate the password whenever a key is pressed in the password input field and update the password strength indicator immediately:

let pwInput = document.getElementById("pwd")

pwInput.addEventListener('keyup', function() { 
 document.getElementById("strength").value = passwordStrength(pwInput.value)

Just have a try or see and edit the full source code at

Feel free to modify the password rules to your needs, add your own rules or some textual output to the user interface.

Tags: #javascript, #password, #html5, #security